The AP7 Series includes a range of I/O modules, industrial protocols communication modules, processing units and isolated serial converters available in a modular package based on DIN Rail with an standard back-plane connection method. By linking one or more I/O modules to a PC running NAFUN automation Portal software, you can build a modular, reliable and convenient Data Acquisition System. The IoT gateways AP710 and AP712 allows you to directly interface the field instrumentation with the multiple communication protocols and Nafun Cloud platform.
All I/O modules guarantee highly accurate and stable measurements over time, also in the presence of temperature changes. A dual Watch-Dog, consisting of both hardware and software, controls the proper CPU operation and sets outputs to safety values in case of communication failure. Signaling LEDs allow an immediate diagnosis of device operations. The full galvanic isolation ensures a good protection against possible interferences present in the industrial environments.
All the devices can be integrated into an IoT architecture via the MQTT Gateway.
Users can easily build a reliable and convenient Data Acquisition System for both industrial and home applications by linking several modules (via a RS485 or Ethernet bus) to a PC running Nafun Automation Portal software.
AP7 Series